Kalm, K., Knapp, D. L., Tammaru, T., Kährik, A., Leetmaa, K. 2024. Minorities moving out from minority-dense neighbourhoods: Does school ethnic context matter in inter-generational residential desegregation? European Sociological Review 40(2), 208–225. DOI: tt

Ubarevičienė, R., Kalm, K., van Ham, M., Žinys, T., Kliimask, J., Tammaru, T. 2024. Residential mobility and new forms of spatial inequality in the settlement system: A comparative study of Estonia and Lithuania. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 1–23. DOI:

Ubarevičienė, R., van Ham, M., Tammaru, T. 2024. Fifty years after the Schelling’s Models of Segregation: Bibliometric analysis of the legacy of Schelling and the future directions of segregation research. Cities 147, 104838. DOI:

Torpan, K., Wessel, T., Chihaya, G. K., Sinitsyna, A., Tammaru, T. 2024. Migrant residential mobility and tenure transitions within different housing regimes: Evidence from three Nordic capital cities. Housing Studies 1–22. DOI:

Silm, S., Tominga, A., Saidla, K., Poom, A., Tammaru, T. 2024. Socio-economic and residential differences in urban modality styles based on a long-term smartphone experiment. Journal of Transport Geography 115, 103810. DOI:

Chihaya, GK., Marcińczak, S., Strömgren, M., Lindgren, U., Tammaru, T. 2022. Trajectories of spatial assimilation or place stratification? A typology of residence and workplace histories of newly arrived migrants in Sweden. International Migration Review 56 (2), 433-462.  DOI: 10.1177/01979183211037314


Tammaru, T., Kliimask, J., Kalm, K., Zālīte, J. 2023. Did pandemic introduce new features to counter-urban moves? Evidence from Estonia. Journal of Rural Studies 97, 345–355. DOI:

Tammaru, T., Sevtsuk, A., Witlox, F. 2023. Towards an equity-centred model of sustainable mobility: Integrating inequality and segregation challenges in the green mobility transition. Journal of Transport Geography 112, 103686. DOI:

Knapp, D., Tammaru, T. Leetmaa, K., Kalm, K. 2023. Family, school, neighbourhood or all three: Differences in tertiary educational achievement among the Russian ethno-linguistic minority in Tallinn urban region. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 87, 100845. DOI:

Marcińczak, S., Mooses, V., Strömgren, M., Tammaru, T. 2023. A comparative study of immigrant-native segregation at multiple spatial scales in urban Europe. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 49, 43–65. DOI:


Hess, D.B., Väiko, A., Tammaru, T. 2022. Effects of new construction and renovation on ethnic and social mixing in apartment buildings in Estonia. Town Planning Review, 93(4), 373–400. 

Leetmaa, K., Suitso, E.M., Kalm, K., Pastak, I., Tammaru, T. 2022. Gentrification as a micro-segregation phenomenon: social and spatial layers of Tallinn inner City. Vertical Cities (toimet. T. Maloutas), Edward Elgar Publishin, 219-236. DOI: 10.4337/9781800886391.00025

Müürisepp, K., Järv, O., Tammaru, T., Toivonen, T. 2022. Activity spaces and big data sources in segregation research: A methodological review. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 46, 861640. DOI: 10.3389/frsc.2022.861640

Puur, A., Rahnu, L., Tammaru, T. 2022. What is the association between the ethnic composition of neighbourhoods, workplaces and schools and the formation of mixed‐ethnic unions? Population, Space and Place 28 (1), e2504. DOI: 10.1002/psp.2504

Tammaru, T., Kliimask, J., Kalm, K., Zālīte, J. 2022. Did the pandemic bring new features to counter-urbanisation? Evidence from Estonia. Journal of Rural Studies 97, 345-355. DOI: 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2022.12.012

Telve, K., Vill, K., Silm, S. 2022. Transnationalism in the digital age: Estonians connected to their country of origin via ICT. Journal of Baltic Studies, 1-19. DOI: 10.1080/01629778.2022.2144395

Puura, A., Silm, S., Masso, A. 2022. Identifying relationships between personal social networks and spatial mobility: A study using smartphone tracing and related surveys. Social Networks 68, 306-317. DOI: 10.1016/j.socnet.2021.08.008

Torpan, K., Sinitsyna, A., Kährik, A., Kauppinen, T., Tammaru, T. (2022). Overlap of migrants’ housing and neighbourhood mobility. Housing Studies, 37 (8), 1396-1421. DOI: 10.1080/02673037.2020.1849574 

Goel, R., Sharma, R., Aasa, A. (2021). Understanding gender segregation through Call Data Records: An Estonian case study. PLoS ONE, 16(3): e0248212. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0248212


Tammaru, T., Knapp, D., Silm, S., van Ham, M., Witlox, F. (2021). Spatial underpinnings of social inequalities: A vicious circles of segregation approach. Social Inclusion 9 (2), 65-76. DOI:

Puur, A., Rahnu, L., Tammaru, T. (2021). Neighbourhoods and workplaces: are they related to the fertility of immigrants and their descendants? A register-based study of high-fertility groups in Finland, 1999–2014. Journal of International Migration and Integration. DOI: 10.1007/s12134-020-00797-8


van Ham, M., Uesugi, M., Tammaru, T., Manley, D., Janssen, H. (2020). Changing occupational structures and residential segregation in New York, London and Tokyo. Nature Human Behaviour, 4 (11), 1124−1134. DOI: 10.1038/s41562-020-0927-5.

Torpan, K., Sinitsyna, A., Kahrik, A., Kauppinen, T. M., Tammaru, T. (2020). Overlap of migrants’ housing and neighbourhood mobility. Housing Studies. DOI: 10.1080/02673037.2020.1849574.

Silm, S.; Järv, O.; Masso, A. (2020). Tracing human mobilities through mobile phones. In: Büscher, M.; Freudendal-Pedersen, M.; Kesselring, S.; Grauslund Kristensen, N. (Eds.). Handbook of Research Methods and Applications for Mobilities (182−192). Edward Elgar Publishing. DOI: 10.4337/9781788115469

Mooses, V., Silm, S., Tammaru, T. et al. (2020). An ethno-linguistic dimension in transnational activity space measured with mobile phone data. Humanit Soc Sci Commun 7, 140. DOI: 10.1057/s41599-020-00627-3

Järv, O., Masso, A., Silm, S., Ahas, R. (2020). The Link Between Ethnic Segregation and Socio‐Economic Status: An Activity Space Approach. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie. DOI: 10.1111/tesg.12465

Silm, S., Jauhiainen, J. S., Raun, J., Tiru, M. (2020). Temporary population mobilities between Estonia and Finland based on mobile phone data and the emergence of a cross-border region. European Planning Studies. DOI: 10.1080/09654313.2020.1774514

Raun, J., Shoval, N., Tiru, M. (2020). Gateways for intra-national tourism flows: measured using two types of tracking technologies. International Journal of Tourism Cities. DOI: 10.1108/IJTC-08-2019-0123

Saluveer, E., Raun, J., Tiru, M., Altin, L., Kroon, J., Snitarenko, T., Aasa, A., Silm, S. (2020). Methodological framework for producing national tourism statistics from mobile positioning data. Annals of Tourism Research, vol 81. DOI: 10.1016/j.annals.2020.102895

Rahnu, L.; Puur, A.; Kleinepier, T.; Tammaru, T. (2020). The role of neighbourhood and workplace ethnic contexts in the formation of inter-ethnic partnerships: A native majority perspective. European journal of population = Revue européenne de démographie, 36, 247-276. DOI: 10.1007/s10680-019-09528-x

Tammaru, T.; Marcinczak, S.; Aunap, R.; van Ham, M.; Janssen, H. (2020). Relationship between income inequality and residential segregation of socioeconomic groups. Regional Studies, 54:4, 450-461. DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2018.1540035 

Marcińczak, S.; Hess, D.B (2020). Vertical segregation of apartment building dwellers during late state socialism in Bucharest, Romania. Urban Geography, 41:6, 823-848. DOI:10.1080/02723638.2019.1697550 

Edited books

van Ham, M.; Tammaru, T.; Ubarevičienė, R.; Janssen, H. (Eds.) 2020. Urban Socio-Economic Segregation and Income Inequality. A Global Perspective. Springer: Springer International Publishing. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-64569-4.

PhD Thesis

Anastasia Sinitsyna 2024. Links Between Segregation Processes on the Labour and Housing Markets: Evidence From Finland. (PhD thesis, University of Tartu). University of Tartu Press. Full text

David Leonard Kanpp 2024. The Relationship Between Residential Segregation, School Segregation, and Family Context. (PhD thesis, University of Tartu). University of Tartu Press. Full text

Puura, Anniki (2022). Relationships between personal social networks and spatial mobility with mobile phone data. (PhD thesis, University of Tartu). University of Tartu Press. Full text

Mooses, Veronika (2021). Towards a more comprehensive understanding of ethnic segregation: activity space and the vicious circle of segregation. (PhD thesis, University of Tartu). University of Tartu Press. Full text

Pastak, Ingmar (2021). Gentrification and displacement of long-term residents in post-industrial neighbourhoods of Tallinn. (PhD thesis, University of Tartu). University of Tartu Press. Full text

Raun, Janika (2020). Mobile positioning data for tourism destination studies and statistics. (PhD thesis, University of Tartu). University of Tartu Press. Full text

Kukk, Kristiina (2019). Understanding the Vicious Circle of Segregation. (PhD thesis, University of Tartu). University of Tartu Press. Full text

Metspalu, Pille (2019). The Changing Role of the Planner. Implications of Creative Pragmatism in Estonian Spatial Planning. (PhD thesis, University of Tartu). University of Tartu Press. Full text

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