Information about the project:
This geographic research project aims to better understand segregation between socioeconomic and ethnic groups.
We go beyond residential neighbourhoods by exploring segregation also in other life domains, including work, schools and leisure.
Segregation in those domains is (re)produced through individual level sorting processes and the contextual effects people get from those domains. We will use a unique combination of large-scale longitudinal microdata
(a) linked Estonian population censuses (1989, 2000, 2011) and register data;
(b) smartphone data, complemented with GIS layers with activity sites and a post-tracking survey.
As an outcome of the project, we will
a) have a better understanding of the links between segregation in different life domains;
b) developed new methodological tools for smartphone-based spatial mobility and segregation research;
c) facilitate PhD studies;
d) contribute to the development of smart and inclusive urban planning.